Sitemap - 2024 - Rigid Thinking

Battle of the hypocrites

Welcome to the new age of bullying

The vibes, they are a-shifting

It's the quiet ones you should worry about

Nice speech you got there. Shame if something happened to it.

Shouldn’t we all be pointing and laughing at Iran right now?

If OJ happened today

The art and science of crybullying

Questions I'm not sure I want answered

Those who know him best

I'm not saying Truth Social is a money laundering operation, but...

Happy Easter from your former and future President

Breaking: Mar-a-Lago closed due to unexpected plague of locusts

Is SCOTUS going to save Trump? Maybe, maybe not

"Те, кто готов отказаться от существенной свободы, чтобы купить немного временной безопасности, не заслуживают ни свободы, ни безопасности."

The New Normal in Canada

I told you to stop panicking

You don’t have to lie about Donald Trump

The EV boom is over (for now)

Why Europe's far-right is winning

He won’t stop with Ukraine

Donald Who?

Don't shoot the pollster

He can't get a bond. Let's give him the nuclear codes!

Which party is hopelessly divided again?

Trump: the vulnerable juggernaut

No Russian is safe

I'm not a "denier," I just want some evidence that David Irving ever really happened

If you give a dictator a cookie...

Navalny is gone

We may never know why they protested outside that ((hospital))

The present always sucks, the future is always scary, and the past is always awesome

An accidentally revealing interview

Green skin over a brown shirt

Don't panic, but...

I'm not an expert, I just play one on Russian TV

Toward a unified theory of why some pop culture endures

Four reasons Trump won't pay $83.3 million

Haley 2024: In case of Trump imprisonment, break glass

The Not-So-New Deniers

Republicans, blink if you're being held against your will

Every accusation is a confession

It would have been the perfect scam, if only they could write gooder

Please televise Trump's trials

Would you risk a Haley Presidency if it guaranteed no more Trump Presidency?

If North Korea attacks

2 Soviet 2 Union

The many crimes of Peter Sutcliffe

My new year's resolution