It would probably help if Biden could clarify that he's not a Socialist :-o ... was just talking to family members in the US and that seems to have been a major issue in Florida, among others. But they were also saying that the various Latino groups are very diverse. A lot seems to depend on their background and that of the previous generation (for example, children of people who left Cuba).

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If Biden gets the presidency, he has to engage Latinos effectively... thinking forward to another election. Every. Vote. Counts. and it pays to remember that well ahead of time, not when it's too late. A lot of these voters are probably not doing a logical analysis of Biden vs. Trump. (To say the least.) They are going more on a gut feeling of whether they feel heard and addressed. There's a lot of power in simply listening to people - or even convincingly pretending to listen, unfortunately.

The rural vs. urban divide is interesting to say the least. What is it in Trump that appeals so strongly to working people, of all things? Likely to be poorly educated, probably defining things in simpler terms, attracted by the souped-up macho act ... (ick). (Actually, they may have a few things in common with him there!! Hmmm...)

It would be both useful and fascinating to dig deeper into that and figure out what makes those voters tick. Also, why don't they realize that he is exactly the sort of person that one would expect them NOT to like...someone who lives on the backs of other people without giving it a second thought. And he probably thinks they are stupid for letting it happen. Yet as tempting as it might be to agree with that, things are never that simple.

I think that rural America's attraction to Trump has to do with something very elementary that bypasses reason. They relate to him. And they specifically do not relate to someone educated who applies reason and logic. They'd have a beer on the back stoop with Trump, but not with Biden. Biden likely makes them feel uncomfortable; he thinks outside the scope of what they know and understand. Trump, not so much.

Jonathan Last: "Trump owes nothing to the Republican party. His interest is not in the party’s success, but in his continued ownership of it. As such, his next venture depends on his being able to export a large number of highly aggrieved followers. In order to remain relevant, he will need to bring his people with him.

And that means telling them what they want to hear, not what they ought to hear."

Exactly. His crowd is not looking for someone logical and sensible. They want a leader who gives them what they want, and reason may not be part of that package.

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