When have states, in practice, acted proportionately to provocations from outside their borders?

It does not make sense to expect a proportionate response to terrorists crossing your borders to kill 0.05% of your entire populace, in a realist sense it’s the purpose of a state to respond in a disproportionate manner to deter future similar acts.

Look I think a 67 borders two-state solution would be best but I’m just saying that, if Israel responds in a way other countries normally have in the past, they’re going to destroy Gaza.

Take the US - if a foreign group killed 40000 civilians in the US in a terrorist attack, what would we do? If a foreign group killed 100000 Chinese civilians in one event, what would the Chinese government do?

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What Israel shouldn't do is what Hamas wants it to - which unfortunately is what it appears Israel is planning on doing. Just like the US shouldn't have done what Osama bin Laden wanted us to do in the wake of 9/11 - but that we did anyway.

Revenge is a dish best served not at all. And the current bombardment of Gaza looks just like the hottest form of revenge. Will it even increase Israel's security over the short term? Possibly; but the long term consequences are going to be dire. Just as the long-term consequences of Israel's short-term thinking on the occupied territories has been for Israel's security.

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