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Two things:

#1. The UI-C law professor story is exactly the kind of thing that makes my blood curdle and produces a near irrepressible urge to launch into a Screaming Mimi anti-woke WTF-is-wrong-with-these-people rant. But this is so stupid and egregious, I got nuthin'. Other than this...on the occasions I sometimes feel some regret at not having a sheepskin on my wall, this kind of story quickly remedies that. Sort of akin to the reaction I have when I see ridiculously wealthy people behaving like total asshats...if that's what money does for you, I'm glad I don't have any.

#2. Glad the convoy thing was peaceful (loved that GIF that went with that story, btw). Regarding your reply as to the relative levels of crazy in our two countries, yeah, you guys probably are a little wackier than folks like me give you credit for, but considering any large population is always going to have a certain number of loose wingnuts rattling around, just in raw numbers I'd say that the super cargo carrier that delivered that commodity to this hemisphere stopped in Saint John first, kicked a container or two off onto the dock and then proceeded on to the Port of New York and New Jersey to off-load all of the rest.

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