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I knew you had to be up to something with the mention of an unfair comparison by *Sykes*, of all possibilities :D ... (I really enjoy reading the Bulwark - it always pays to follow up the references in your posts and I have found a lot of worthwhile sources that way, the Bulwark being one that gets read even on my craziest busy days).

Candy fatigue has indeed set in. All but the diehards (who one feels would even drink poisoned Kool-Aid with Trump rather than see him for what he truly is) are yearning for sanity and substance. McCain had substance. Biden has it, although it would be nice to see it revealed more often - yet compared to the maniac next door, he’s probably smart to maintain a lower profile.

These are people who are capable of facing adversity as an opportunity for personal growth, even and especially when it hurts. A person’s reaction to basic human situations - being deeply hurt, unconditionally loved and admired, etc. - is always very telling. The truly good ones respond with humanity and humbleness, recognizing and building on the gifts they are given.

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