Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

"...a lot of dissatisfaction with the Democratic and Republican parties...from frustrated centrists who think both parties have become too radical" describes me (and I suspect a few other folks like me) to a T, minus the "radical" as regards the Ds, and amplified exponentially as regards the GOP.

My dissatisfaction with the Democrats is, and has always been, with some of their policies, or specific features within those policies. My dissatisfaction with the Rs used to track the same way, but now has basically boiled down to being dissatisfied with the fact of their very existence.

Radical ideas and rhetoric from some in the Progressive wing of the Democratic party taint the perception of the party as a whole, but its actions IRL put the lie to the 'radical' label for anyone who understands the definition of the word. Those who don't should look up the definition and they'll find a picture of MAGA fascists and burn-it-all-down crazies cracking the whip over a cowed and compliant GOP, which for years now has repeatedly chanted "Thank you sir. May I please have another?!" in public while secretly crying in its beer in private in an attempt to go along to get along and to cover their asses so their asses will remain in their seats. The scattered wing nuts within the Progressive wing of the Ds aren't even snapping a locker room towel at the ass of their party by comparison. And none of them who are actually bona fide Dems, unlike poseurs such as RFK Jr., are trying to get what they want by destroying the democratic process and steamrolling over and past the rule of law.

Respecting the democratic process and the institutions created in its furtherance along with the results of elections and abiding by democratic norms and the rule of law: truly subversive and dangerously radical ideas, which one party still subscribes to, and the other has rejected wholesale. So, I'll be casting my lot with - and vote for - the radical Ds exclusively, as long as the GOP serves its MAGA overlords and itself instead of the country and the democratic system that makes it what it is...the freest with the most liberties and opportunities for its citizens of any on the face of the earth.

I can much more easily live with whatever things the Ds are selling that dissatisfy me, but which find enough other buyers to get them done, than I can with what the GOP is up to, which is passively allowing its overlords to engage in a force-feeding program and cramming its crazy lawlessness down the nations throat whether there's enough of an appetite for it or not.

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Robert Fringe Kennedy. I like that. His "environmentalism" - like everything else about him - stinks. He's exactly what I'm thinking of when I say "those people are an embarrassment that they claim they're on my side."

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It only hit me this afternoon that I could have titled the post "Robert Fringe Kandidate, Jr."

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Stealing!!! :-)

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