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Even as a 9-year-old, I was palpably aware of the constant possibility of nukes from the US and Russia destroying my family in the middle. It was just a fact that someday, any day, we could be vaporized before we even had time to become aware of it.

If that doesn’t get a kid to turn to philosophy, nothing will.

If Biden is elected and becomes President without incident - and we won’t truly know what will happen until it does, because we think like normal persons and therefore cannot adequately imagine what might come to life in Trump’s head - the US will have a chance to remake itself in very important ways. Their elections system. Their Supreme Court appointments for life. The unchecked power of mass destruction given to a single person in the full knowledge that humans are fallible and decisions made under stress are more subject to human error.

Maybe US citizens will realize that they had a really close call and make a better country.

But it’s not over yet. The fact that there is even a chance of Trump getting another four years (and who’s to say he will stop there) should make Americans think very hard about what they are willing to fight for.

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