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Those who aid and abet people like Trump against their better conscience (or barring that, just support him even if they know the guy’s an idiot) are the real guilty parties by the simple reasoning that Trump and others like him would not get anywhere in the first place without intelligent people to make it happen.

Trump on his own would not have gotten far.

The people who use him to achieve their own goals for personal or political gain undoubtedly benefit quietly in the wings while everyone’s busy watching the freak show out front. They have no excuse. They don’t lack sufficient powers of reasoning to know that common people are getting hurt. They support this clown anyway to get what they want, knowing that it is wrong.

As a 16 year old, I looked for answers to deal with difficulties I was facing. I picked up my mother’s slightly musty, well-used Bible and started reading. Having grown up outside society leaves you unmarked both in terms of useful experience and in terms of preconceived notions that may blind one to the obvious. Halfway through, something finally made sense to me. It was the question of how one would worship God if one had never heard of Him (I actually question why or whether an omnipotent spirit would necessarily be gendered, but that’s another matter). The answer was: Follow your conscience. It will steer you on the right path, though it may not be easy.

Trump is damaged and barrelling down the only path he knows: that’s not an enviable life. It will ultimately take him nowhere. His life is based on illusions and lies, and I question whether he will ever know real love, respect, kindness or honesty.

But the people who put him in office because it fits what they want regardless of the cost to others are guilty, and I agree: forgiveness should only be for those who are deeply and honestly repentant. Such people are uncommon, but may do as much or more good than someone who never erred in the first place.

As to those who are not, I hope for the sake of America that they are not allowed to do further damage.

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