Oh, and Martha. Any woman who stands there and lets herself be handled, physically or verbally, when there are no extreme reasons to do so (such as having two little kids in the next room and needing to get them out safely, or being physically overpowered) needs to know she’s making a choice. If he puts his hands or words where they don’t belong, push back immediately and clearly. If it’s not respected, stand tall and tell him explicitly in front of everyone else. Set the standards and draw the line, and never let it be crossed. Bullies are also wimps. Real men are nurturing and caring.

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People are shortsighted. They don’t realize that this disease is likely to sweep a much higher share of the population than it already has, and much faster. It’s now close to two days for each new million. It’s heading for exponential increases. We’re doing all right in the Maritimes just now, but that will sooner or later go out the window, and one person is enough. Someone who thinks that the laws of science don’t apply to them and that it “will be ok” (yeah right); or someone with whom it truly is an accident. But it is bound to happen.

Weddings and funerals...what is it with those? It only takes two committed people who love each other above all others and are willing to keep coming back to the table to sort out their differences to make a marriage. No need for a superspreader event here, which may or may not end in an equally dramatic breakup. As usual, the hard way is the good way. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, and it’s not about fun, but about hard work and caring enough about the other person to give up your own wants and find a way to be there for each other. I don’t get it when people dramatically marry, only to ditch their partner when reality sets in. Good relationships are hard, and worthwhile. It’s not about the party, but about still being together when you’re both in your eighties.

You would think a women’s organization would know enough not to step into the Barrett hornets’ nest. Ow.

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